Key Elements of an Anusara Yoga Class

Anusara yoga classes flow with Grace
Anusara yoga teacher Jaye Martin assisting a student in half happy baby pose

Each Anusara  yoga class has key elements that distinguish it as Anusara. They reflect the sophistication and depth of insight of Attitude, Alignment and Action that makes each class life-affirming and inspirational.

Key Class Elements include:
Establishing a heart-oriented class theme,
emphasis on one of the Anusara
Universal Principles of Alignment™,
effective sequencing poses,
clear and inspiring language,
and giving effective demonstrations

Universal Principles of Alignment

Universal to each pose are principles that create support for the theme and precise physical alignment.  They create present-moment awareness in a sequential order that builds from the inside out.  Skilled Anusara teacher chose one or two complementary UPAs to focus on in each class.  These are the principles that best support the theme and heart qualities. The five UPAs are:

  •  Open to Grace
  • Muscle Energy
  • Inner Spiral
  • Outer Spiral
  • Organic Energy.

Seven Energy Loops

Anusara methodology guides us into an awareness of seven pairs of energetic loops on the horizontal plain of the body that work as secondary alignment guides along with the Universal Principles of Alignment.

Working with these lines of force helps the body move into its most satisfying and stable form, the optimal blueprint unique to each individual.  The Seven Loops are: Ankle Loop, Shin Loop, Thigh Loop, Pelvic Loop, Kidney Loop, Shoulder Loop, Scull Loop.

Anusara yoga teacher demonstrating expanding out in a pose

Classes inspire and open hearts

Anusara yoga classes are centered around a meaningful theme that sets the intention and attitude that the teacher invokes throughout a class.

Teaching with a theme, heart qualities and the Universal Principles of Alignment is what distinguishes Anusara yoga from other styles of yoga. 

Anusara teacher Jeannine Plaiche

Classes reflect precision in language

Using language of the heart to guide students is a hallmark of our methodology.  It gracefully guides and takes the student to a higher place of practice

Effective Language includes: Heart Qualities, Action and Feeling Words, Linking Commands, Active and Passive Instructions, Expressive Language, and Making Adjustments.

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga is the sole school authorized to teach Anusara Yoga. Its close monitoring of how teacher are taught and how they deliver the highest quality of instruction. The Anusara methodology is a precise way to instruct with precision, safety and inspiration. All these key elements make for a truly exceptional and memorable yoga class.

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