Liberated in My Black Skin

By Tezra Bryant

Anusara Elements™ Yoga Teacher

Secretary, Board of Directors ASHY


As I observe all that is going on in the world today, specifically here in the United States, I am greatly encouraged for the spiritual evolution is here.

I live in NYC in the historical black neighborhood of Harlem.  At the onset of COVID-19 I entered into a state of bliss and peace that I could not explain.  I instinctively knew that this was a “sacred time”.  That never before has the entire city come to a standstill.  This place of stillness became a spiritual retreat and I was on the retreat for 2.5 months, still not understanding the strong pull to deepen my practice.  Although there was great loss suffered during this time and friends and loved ones were devastated by the impact of COVID-19, many people reported that they were able to spend invaluable quality time with family, reconnecting with their spouse and children.  This pause invited lots of people to go within and begin a self-exploration of some kind.  Maybe delve into their creativity, spend time in nature and return to meditation.

During COVID-19, this country underwent another crisis, the murder of George Floyd, from which I then understood the call to deepen my practice.

As a member of the Black Community how I do I experience Sat, Chit and yes even Ananda in times like this?  This is what my practice has prepared me for.

Sat & Chit leads to my Ananda. I sat at the foot of my spiritual teacher Rudrani as she passed on the ancient wisdom of the sages and her guru Baba Muktananda to my Kula and I.  I didn’t realize how deeply my Self was absorbing and aligning with the teachings until it came time to really lean on and depend upon them to get me through tough times and to be able to be led by the Higher Truth for a Higher purpose. The teachings have allowed me to become the Paramahansan and drink only the milk out of the pond of milk and water. The water being the world issues and the milk representing the “All There Is”. Staying tethered to the core nature of the True Self reminds me that I am a part of All There Is.

Being able to wake up and realize that “I am not my body, I am not my mind, the immortal self I am” allows me to practice the “Ghee of Dispassion”.  I can find my voice in tough challenging times and not only live by the teachings but share the teachings that liberate us from our small contracted self.  The tiny self that keeps us imprisoned by being deeply identified to the roles, labels and characteristics that we believe is who we are.  This false belief is what the sages call “wrong identification”.

But as the sages say, we are in our own suffering because we do not realize that even as a we are a wave, we are also the ocean.  Remembering this has made me realize that I am connected to everyone and all things and that while there is a lot of turmoil, drama and devastation there is also the underlying bliss that sustains it all through tough and ostensibly insurmountable times.

My practice has allowed me to remain aware of who I truly am in a society that is ripped apart by the delusion of separation.

This critical time invites us to closely examine our thoughts and beliefs.  Will it reveal that we truly see ourselves connected to others or that there are silent thoughts and judgements behind our thoughts that keep a subtle divide.

This is the part of Yoga that invites us to see and examine the dark side of ourselves.  By definition Yoga is to become one in union with the Great Self.  As my teacher says, how can you come into union without bringing everything?  If you are becoming one with Supreme energy, the Atman, then nothing can be left behind otherwise we are not becoming one.  We are becoming 1 point something!

This pivotal time challenges our practice, but it also allows us to be the catalyst of change for a true shift in this country.  I believe this time is calling on all the Path Seekers to take their practices off the mat and out into the world.  It’s now time to see if we can drink only the milk from the pond.

Some of us may experience feelings of anger during this time for one reason or another, but as Ram Dass shared the teaching of his Guru, Maharaji, he was told to “give it up”.  Give up the anger.  Neem Karoli Baba was not saying to not be angry.  He was saying to not allow the anger to close up the heart.  When the heart closes up it creates separation.  Whatever emotions we experience during this hyper-sensitive time, the teaching is to allow the heart to remain open.  If we close the heart then we are contributing to the suffering.

“If all we do is get caught up in the suffering then all your doing is digging everybody’s hole deeper”.  This is a quote from Ram Dass speaking about not falling into the trap of the suffering of others.  By getting caught up in the drama of it all we only contribute to the deepening of the Samskaras of our society.

While to some “Black Lives Matter” may seem like a divisive movement, if we apply the teachings to this cause then we know that this includes everyone as we are all waves of the One Ocean. We are realizing that what affects one affects us all as the world is so boldly demonstrating right now.  The ordinary contracted mind can only operate out of its limitation.  So, while the message may seem very pointed, we can look behind the message to see the inherit message of unity.

This unified field of oneness embodies the statement that “Our Lives Matter” through the support of “Black Lives Matter”.

As a Yoga school that is deeply entrenched in the ancient teachings, it is time for us to become a beacon of light by allowing the work we do on the mat, in the studio or on our meditation cushion to be of service to this country.  As the old saying goes, this is where “the rubber meets the road”.

The reason why I am liberated in my black skin – in a society that sends the message that the color of my skin is a dilemma – is because of the teachings.  I do sometimes find myself having a “judgy” mind and contracting my heart when I look at my FaceBook page or hear of more devastation in our Country or see destruction of neighborhoods and businesses.  Knowing who I am at the true core of my being, having a glimpse of being led from the unreal to the real (the translated first line of the Asatoma Sadgamaya Chant), knowing that I’m a wave of the Ocean, allows me to stand firmly on the fear that creates the delusion of separation.

As a proud Board member, I encourage everyone to embrace the teachings at this time to remember who we really are.  That we are bound by the supreme, infinite love of All There Is.  This will allow us to stand in solidarity with those that are suffering and hold space for them in our Hridaya, the spiritual heart.  I am humbled by the fortunate experiences I have had through this crisis as I would not have been afforded them if it were not for my Sadhana.  For that I am truly grateful.  I’m also extremely grateful for my Kula and the Sanga that has held me in such a sweet, safe container of love through these rough times.

May we all be free from the suffering from wrong identification.  May we realize that we are all one, that there is no separation.  May we stand in support and in solidarity of the movement to demand that all lives be regarded in a respectable, dignified manner that is everyone’s birthright.

May we remember that we are all waves of the One Ocean.

In Shared Service and Practice,


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