General Profile

First Name


Last Name

Garcia Blanco

AY License Category

Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher


Madrid / Agadir



Regional Location

EU/Middle East/Africa

Email Address





Yoga Bio

Yogini, tantrika, rasika, meditadora, surfera, viajera, eterna estudiante.
Para mí, el yoga es un viaje de transformación, en el que vives la vida desde lo más elevado: desde el lugar interior de sabiduría, amor y poder. 
Siempre asombrada ante la potencia de la fuerza creativa del corazón humano (hrdaya shakti), mi misión es guiar a los alumnos en el viaje hacia su propio corazón, a través del yoga y otras técnicas de conciencia. Mis clase e intensivos de yoga son un lugar para la transformación donde ayudo a los alumnos a encontrar sus límites, con mucho amor y conciencia, con secuencias estructuradas e instrucciones precisas. En ellas encontrarás asana, movimiento, pranayama, mudra, mantra, meditación, y mi pasión por la Filosofía, la Mitología y las posibilidades terapéuticas del yoga, y la Astrología.

Based in between Morocco and Spain, I teach intensives, workshops, Immersions and Teacher Trainings, both 200h and 300 h, and I have also created an on-line school ( with different offerings. In love with the Ocean, I finds a great connection and freedom through surfing and I founded Yoga Surf Morocco to offer retreats that combine these two practices of the heart.

Basada entre Marruecos y España, enseño intensivos, talleres, Inmersiones y Formaciones de Profesores, 200 h y 300 h. Mi escuela online ( ofrece clases y cursos. Enamorada del Océano, encuentro una gran conexión y libertad a través del surf y fundé Yoga Surf Morocco para ofrecer retiros que combinan estas dos prácticas del corazón. También ofrezco sesiones de Coaching Astrológico.

Puedes leer mi BIO completa en

Yogini, tantrika, rasika, meditator, surfer, traveller, eternal student.
Yoga is, for me, a journey of deep transformation to live from the highest: from the inner place of wisdom, love and power.

Always amazed by the potency of the human heart creative energy (hrdaya shakti), my mission is guiding students in the journey to their own heart, through yoga and other consciousness techniques. My classes and yoga intensives are a place for alchemy where I help the students to find their limits, with plenty of love and awareness, with structured sequences and precise instructions. In them you will find asana, movement. Pranayama, mudra, mantra, meditation and my passion for Yoga Philosophy, Mythology and the therapeutic possibilities of yoga.

Based in between Morocco and Spain, I teach intensives, workshops, Immersions and Teacher Trainings, both 200h and 300 h, and I have also created an on-line school ( with different offerings. In love with the Ocean, I find a great connection and freedom through surfing and I founded Yoga Surf Morocco to offer retreats that combine these two practices of the heart. I also offer sessions of Astrological Coaching online.
You can read my full BIO at

Weekly Class Schedule


SADHANA Todos los Niveles Martes 19:00-20:30 h
MAHA SADHANA. Intermedio/Avanzado. Primer jueves del mes 12:00-14:00

What do you love most about Anusara Yoga?

e encanta la visión Tántrica que me cambió la vida. Me encanta la precisión de las instrucciones biomecánicas que ayudan a mi cuerpo a conectar con su potencial más pleno

I love the Tantric vision that was life-changing for me. I love the precision of the instructions that help my body to connect with its full potential

Why do you teach Anusara yoga?

Enseño Anusara porque es un sistema de yoga que funciona tanto a nivel físico como inspirando a los alumnos a vivir su vida con mayor plenitud

I teach Anusara because it is a yoga system that works both at the physical level and also in inspiring people to live their lives more fully

Why do you license with Anusara?

I could say the same reasons above

Displayed Name

Susana Garcia Blanco