Interim Policy for Online Anusara Yoga Teacher Trainings

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Anusara School of Hatha Yoga

Interim Policy for Online Anusara Yoga Teacher Trainings

In the spirit of innovation and excellence—two of the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga’s core values—the School has developed this policy with the intention of supporting our teacher trainers. We recognize the need and value of online education, especially during the pandemic, and the importance of continuing to learn and grow together.

This policy was created in response to the rapid rise of online trainings and offerings during the COVID-19 pandemic period. For the purposes of this policy, “online” training is defined as follows:

  • Online training is distance learning that takes place completely on the internet.
  • Online trainings include mostly synchronous (live stream and real-time online learning) and some asynchronous (learning that does not require real-time interaction). Learn more here.
  • Online synchronous content should be taught through Zoom/Skype/Teams or a similar interactive, face-to-face online platform.
  • Our School’s curriculum requires that at least 75% of the curriculum be led synchronously. The remaining 25% can be offered as asynchronous learning assignments.
  • Pre-recorded material may be included in the asynchronous portion of the online training (see #7 below for the details), but should be used to support what is learned in the synchronous parts of the training.

This policy outlines the new guidelines pertaining to hosting online teacher trainings:

  1. The Anusara yoga 200-Hour and 300-Hour teacher training curricula are designed to be offered as in-person trainings and are designed to build a supportive learning community for the students participating in the program.
  1. Our School recognizes the reality of the world’s current events (COVID-19 pandemic) and will therefore recognize online Anusara Yoga Teacher Trainings that are registered with our School and have start dates beginning before December 31st, 2023. This includes
  • 200-hour Teacher Training, 36-hour Bridge Program and 300-hour Advanced Teacher Training modules
  • Trainings that began in person and moved online
  • Trainings that began online and later moved to in-person
  1. It is the responsibility of the teacher trainer to properly market their course to their students and advise their students in advance of any changes to the curriculum or course location. The training’s refund policy should also reflect this information and the information outlined in our School’s Teacher Training Refund Policy.
  1. Teacher trainers who do not feel they can offer high-quality trainings online should teach to their strengths and postpone their teacher training activities until they can confidently teach online or in-person.
  1. Teaching to students from other regions or countries:
  • Our School encourages teachers to collaborate with one another in the design and delivery of online trainings, especially when providing online trainings that may attract students from outside their country/region.
  • Students’ privacy and permission should be respected at all times. Teachers should refrain from directly soliciting students who have not already given them permission to do so.
  • Students have the freedom to study with the teacher of their choice without discrimination.

6. Our School will periodically reassess this policy and amend it appropriately as new post-pandemic business models emerge.

7. The recording of full programs or modules is prohibited. However, pre-recorded material used to support the live online sessions are permitted as part of the asynchronous learning portion of the training provide the following guidelines are respected:

  • Recordings must be available only as a password protected file.
  • Recordings must be available only to students who have paid and enrolled in the full training course.
  • Recordings must be available as view only files (downloading and sharing should be disabled)
  • Recordings must be accessible to students for only a limited time (Maximum 30-days to view)
  • The time reserved for asynchronous learning (i.e.: non-contact hours that students earn credits for by watching pre-recorded material and competing homework assignments) should NOT exceed more than 25% of the total training hours for that particular module.
  • Students should be evaluated on their understanding of any pre-recorded content via quiz, written assignment or question & answer period during live sessions).

*Note: This policy has also been approved by as part of our Online Teacher Training Exemption with Yoga Alliance (YA). Trainers who are listed as “YA traveling teachers” or “YA location members” under our Yoga Alliance Registered School are therefore covered by this policy with Yoga Alliance. If you are listed under your own Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School, please feel free to use this policy to apply for your own Yoga Alliance Online Training Exemption so that Yoga Alliance will recognize your trainings.

Updated: April 6, 2022

Posted: September 30, 2020

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