Anusara Teacher Trainer Agreement

We are improving member care for our Teacher Trainers!

As of January 2022, our Professional Development team will automatically send Anusara teacher trainers a “Teacher Trainer Curriculum Package” at the beginning of the year (each year). The teacher trainer curriculum package will include the following:

  • Drop-box (password protected) access to the most recent curriculum documents for your membership level. The password will change every year to respect our Intellectual Property policy.
  • Google Drive folder with fillable PDF certificate templates to download (required for all Yoga Alliance E-RYT500 who are teaching under our School’s Yoga Alliance – Registered Yoga School).
  • Links to other useful documents for you and your students to help you lead Anusara teacher trainings with ease.

Please take a moment to complete and submit the following form.

Thank you for your collaboration, your support and your continued efforts to share the Anusara methodology and philosophy with your communities.



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