Bycie nauczycielem Anusara oznacza

Being an Anusara yoga teacher means you have committed to the training and discipline required to teach at the highest level of yoga experiences.

It means you belong to a community of dedicated teachers who support each other in their professional and personal growth.

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga is led by all its members. It means we are all leaders, students, teachers, ambassadors, and a practitioners.

Nauczanie jogi Anusara oznacza wspólny poziom doskonałości

Our Shared Experience as Anusara Teachers

• We hold a niedualna filozofia tantryczna jako jego fundament.

• We share the gift of the Uniwersalne zasady dostosowania Anusara to guide our teachings.

• We are trained in a unikalna metoda nauczania, which is supported by a renowned curriculum and a clear professional development path, and teaching materials.

• We share a common language with Anusara teachers around the world. Our trainings teach us to develop creative, expansive, and empowering communication skills.

• We are an international yoga school with a ogólnoświatowa społeczność który podziela wspólne podstawowe wartości.

Are you a former member of our School? Reactivate your License

Nauczyciele jogi Anusara w linii grupowej pozy drzewa.

błąd: Zawartość jest chroniona !!