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Anusara Events

7. Februar 2025 - "Fühler ausstrecken" / Von der Hand bis zur Schulter
14. März 2025 - "Core" / Schulter bis vordere Hüfte
23. Mai 2025 - "Knie"

In dieser Workshop-Reihe begeben wir uns auf eine detaillierte Reise durch die Anatomie des ganzen menschlichen Körpers.

Wegweiser sind dabei die myofaszialen Züge, die sich in der Anusara® Yoga Methode unter anderem durch die Spiralen in Armen und Beinen wiederfinden.

Konzipiert für Yogis, die ein tieferes Verständnis für den eigenen Körper gewinnen möchten und/oder ihre Praxis auch therapeutisch nutzen möchten, aber auch für Yogalehrer:innen, die ihr Anatomie-Wissen auffrischen oder erweitern und so informiertere Yogaklassen unterrichten möchten.

Du wirst in dieser Workshopreihe lernen, wichtige Muskeln zu identifizieren und mehr über ihre Rolle in einer gut ausgerichteten Asana-Praxis erfahren. Gut ausgerichtet bedeutet im Anusara-Yoga immer "funktionell", und zwar so, dass die Asanapraxis unsere Bewegung und Haltung im Alltag unterstützt und uns gut altern lässt.

Die Workshops werden begleitet und vorbereitet durch reguläre Klassen mit dem Titel "Ball & Body" an drei vorausgehenden Dienstag-Abenden. Wenn Du am meisten aus den Workshop ziehen möchtest, empfehlen wir eine Teilnahme an so vielen Terminen wie möglich. Eine Teilnahme an einzelnen Terminen (sowohl dienstags als auch an den Workshops) ist aber auch ohne weiteres möglich und sinnvoll.

Zu den Dienstags-Klassen "Ball & Body":
In diesen 90-minütigen Klassen, die thematisch im Dreierpack zum folgenden Workshop gehören, schauen wir uns (nach einem ordentlichen Warm-up) mit Hilfe von Faszienbällen jeweils einen kleinen Abschnitt im Körper ganz genau an. Hier geht es viel um's Fühlen, aber Anne wird während der Arbeit mit den Bällen ihr Wissen aus physiotherapeutischer Sicht einfließen lassen. Den letzten Teil der Klasse verbringen wir wieder mit Asanas, um Unterschiede wahrzunehmen und um Erfahrungen und Wissen noch einmal praktisch anzuwenden.
Im Gegensatz zu den Workshops sind diese Klassen sehr praxisorientiert und fördern Lernen durch direktes Erfahren.

Julia Schlenkert ist Anusara-Lehrerin der höchsten Zertifizierungsstufe (ECAT), bildet seit langen Jahren selbst aus und begleitet Anusara-Lehrer:innen auf dem eigenen Weg zur Zertifizierung.

Anne Lorenz ist nicht nur Physiotherapeutin für Menschen und Osteopathin für Hunde und Pferde, langjährige Schülerin von Julia, sondern auch genauso langjährige Freundin, was sich in einer eingespielten Dynamik zwischen beiden widerspiegelt.

Einzelner Workshop: 45 EUR
Ermäßigung für Mitglieder (Jahresflatrate oder -Abo): 10%
Ermäßigung bei Zahlungseingang bis 15.12.24: 10%

Wer an mindestens 2 der 3 Terminen teilnimmt, kann dafür Elective Hours sammeln.

Paket-Angebote "Dienstags-Praxis + Workshop(s)"
Paket 1: nur 6 Praxis-Klassen - 81 EUR
Paket 2: nur 3 Praxis-Klassen - 42 EUR
Paket 3: 6x Praxis plus 2 Workshops - 120 EUR
Paket 4: 3x Praxis plus Workshop - 84 EUR

7. Februar 2025 - "Fühler ausstrecken" / Von der Hand bis zur Schulter
14. März 2025 - "Core" / Schulter bis vordere Hüfte
23. Mai 2025 - "Knie"
Weitere Termine folgen in Kürze.
14./21./28. Januar und 18./25. Februar, 04. März 2025 und 29. April, 13./20. Mai 2025

"'Serenity' Yoga Retreat, Bali, 2025
10th - 16th May, 2025

I'm so pleased to be able to offer you this beautiful retreat in 2025. The 'Serenity' retreat will draw on the elegant wisdom of Saraswati as our theme, combining expertly taught Anusara yoga, inspiring class themes & thought provoking journalling and the utter magic that is Bali. All of which will add up to making this retreat a unique opportunity to reset and rediscover yourself and promises to be experience not to be missed! An opportunity to visit Bali, also known as ""The Island of the Gods"", elevate your soul and practice yoga in this vibrant, natural environment!

Natures orchestra of birds, bees and exotic singing bugs will accompany your daily yoga practice, with afternoons spent by an infinity pool, or perhaps having a massage or maybe an excursions to see more of this tropical paradise! There is no better time or place to start feeling physically more at ease, to wash away tension and stress and re-emerge back to your life refreshed & renewed.

There are lots of reasons to come on retreat! Some of us use the time on retreat to connect with others, and draw strength from community and support! Others of us need to create space away, get some alone time and be stiller for a week, to have some quiet. I have planned this retreat to allow for all of your energies. We have the entire resort to ourselves and you have space so you can escape alone, or stay in the communal areas and enjoy new friends! However you feel right now, this is the perfect chance for you to take the trip of a lifetime!"

"'Magical Morocco'
​Anusara® Yoga Retreat
Marrakesh, Morocco
19th - 26th October, 2025
The exact meaning of the name Marrakesh has been debated widely! However, one highly possible origin of the name is from the Berber word 'akush' which means ""Land of God"" ... how beautiful is that? And so appropriate for a spiritual yoga retreat such as this one.

Attending a yoga retreat with me will allow you to draw even more richness from your yoga practice - both physical and spiritual. Extended time with me as your dedicated teacher gives you the space to really get curious and improve is all aspects of yoga, without distraction and away from your routine. Picture yourself rolling out your mat in a beautiful outdoor practice space, relaxing around the pool in a resort in magical Morocco ... eat well, sleep deeply, rest and explore and deepen your yoga practice. All of this in the great company of like-minded souls. Honestly ... it really is nothing short of magical!

A yoga retreat magnifies the fabulous benefits of your regular weekly practice tenfold! Think of the fabulous feelings that come after an hours practice ... the clarity of mind it brings, the bodily ease and the renewed spring to your step, the savasana bliss-out ... then multiply that by seven days away and the results are truly powerful!

Yoga retreats pause time. Allowing space for you to reflect and ponder, to journal, to stretch and move, to laugh with like minded people, to hide away a while, to eat well, to sleep deeply and to step outside of the daily churn. On retreat you can simply be you ... ditch the labels (leave behind your role, your job title, your family position, the labels you give yourself) and start listening to your heart space.

I have been travelling to Morocco for a few years now very regularly, as my hubby is working there. We have explored the country together in quite some depth, and whilst there are many fascinating sites ands sounds across the whole country ... Marrakesh really does have it all! Our retreat space is calm and tranquil, yet a short taxi ride away you have the vibrant, craziness of the souks and restaurants of the old walled city. A fascinating and inspiring place for sure!

The luxury of being in a beautiful yoga shala, in a space that oozes calm will help you focus inward and gives offers you an increased capacity to indulge in what you love. Having me on hand for the entire week will give you the confidence to play a little more with poses, get curious about technique, discuss the nuances, and develop all aspects of your personal yoga practice. I see students on retreat evolve and refine their yoga in all ways. Bodies begin to open up, emotions settle and spirits life as the week progresses and there is always a little transformative sparkle in the eyes at the end of the week. "

"'Back To Source'
Find Transformation In Stillness
​Anusara® Yoga Retreat
Andalucia, Spain​
14th - 20th September, 2025
I have been coming to this gorgeous retreat centre for many years now, and it truly feels like coming home and coming back to source ... hence the name of the retreat this year! Each time I come back it feels even more welcoming than before, yet it has evolved slightly and become even more beautiful as the owners continue to decorate and embellish this beautiful mountain side space.

I love coming back to this source of inspiration and rest for both myself and you lovely students. I love leading retreats (maybe that's why they have become so popular!) as this in depth time really can create a radical transformation for Yoga retreats are truly incredible! Attending a retreat allows you to pause and draw even more richness from your yoga practice. Extended time with me, Sarah, your dedicated teacher gives you the space to really get curious and improve is all aspects of yoga, without distraction and away from your routine. Picture yourself rolling out your mat in a beautiful practice space, relaxing around the pool in a resort deep in the Andalusian countryside ... this is all wonderfully conducive to relaxing and restoring more deeply than ever have before. All of this in the great company of like-minded souls. Honestly ... it really is nothing short of magical!

A yoga retreat magnifies the fabulous benefits of your regular weekly practice tenfold! Think of the fabulous feelings that come after an hours practice ... the clarity of mind it brings, the bodily ease and the renewed spring to your step, the savasana bliss-out ... then multiply that by six days away and the results are truly powerful!

In 2025 I am calling our retreat 'Back To Source' and I am drawing inspiration from the god Shiva who resided in the mountainous Himalayas, and we too withdraw into the mountain sanctuary of Molino Del Rey which is literally built into the cool, cavernous mountain side. Drawing on myth and legend surrounding Shiva and his 'dance with life'.
Yoga retreats pause time. Allowing space for you to reflect and ponder, to journal, to stretch and move, to laugh with like minded people, to hide away a while, to eat well, to sleep deeply and to step outside of the daily churn. On retreat you can simply be you ... ditch the labels (leave behind your role, your job title, your family position, the labels you give yourself) and start listening to your heart space.

This in the fourth time I will lead a retreat at Molino Del Rey in Spain ... I keep coming back because this space is magical too. Literally carved out of the cool mountain side, with a natural water spring running right through its heart, meditation caves and a yoga shala that will take your breath away. The whole resort has been lovingly hand decorated with mosaics, paintings, carvings, artefacts and the love put into the entire space is palpable.

The luxury of being in a beautiful yoga shala, in a space that oozes calm will help you focus inward and gives offers you an increased capacity to indulge in what you love. Having me on hand for the entire week will give you the confidence to play a little more with poses, get curious about technique, discuss the nuances, and develop all aspects of your personal yoga practice. I see students on retreat evolve and refine their yoga in all ways. Bodies begin to open up, emotions settle and spirits life as the week progresses and there is always a little transformative sparkle in the eyes at the end of the week. "

"Celebrate Earth Day with a mindful and restorative afternoon at the 'Rooted' Earth Day Anusara Yoga Retreat with Sarah

Connect deeply to the earth, honour nature’s cycles, and plant seeds of intention for growth and renewal.

This special retreat is designed to ground, rejuvenate, and inspire you as we move into lighter days and Spring appears!"

"Anusara Yoga Auszeit mit Julia Schlenkert – eine perfekte Mischung aus intensiver Yoga-Praxis, Mantra und Micro-Meditationen. Aber auch viel Zeit im Freien und das beste vegetarische und vegane Essen, das du je in einem Seminarhaus genossen hast!

In diesem Retreat tauchen wir in die Welt der Göttinnen des tantrischen Kosmos ein und lassen ihre Qualitäten lebendig werden – sowohl für unsere persönliche Selbstfürsorge als auch für ein gestärktes Gefühl der Gemeinschaft und Verbindung.

Das Retreat richtet sich an alle mit etwas Yoga-Erfahrung. Wir nehmen uns in längeren Einheiten Zeit für kraftvolle und herausfordernde Praxis, aber auch für restorative Sequenzen, Pranayama und Meditation.

Der vorläufige Tagesablauf ist auf der Website zu finden. Vom 24.-26. Juli 2026 (!) wird hier übrigens ein großes Anusara Treffen unserer deutschen und globalen Kula stattfinden!"

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