“Anusara Marga – The Path of Anusara Yoga” [1st Edition]
Categories: Anusara Marga
Dear Licensed Anusara Teacher,
I am excited to announce the release of “Anusara Marga, the Path of Anusara Yoga”, the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga’s new quarterly online magazine for licensed Anusara® yoga teachers!
This project is happening because the School heard your collective voice and is working on providing more benefits and services to its licensed teachers. The articles, written by experienced teachers, will encompass a range of topics from anatomy and asana practice to news about the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga and more.
Wherever you are, however you do it, you are helping the School to serve and spread the Light of the Heart. By doing this, you are making the entire world a better place to live in.
For this, and much more, the School’s Board of Directors and Operations Team are extremely grateful.
Now some practical information about the magazine:
- The format is structured in a way that allows you to have a general overview of the topics on the right side of the magazine.
- By clicking on “Read more…,” you will be able to open up the article in its entirety. You can print this page, or maybe print all of them, and create your personal handout to take with you for studying, to share with your students, to help plan a class, or for future reference.
Please send us any topics you would like to see addressed in future newsletters or any questions that you have been pondering for a long time that have not been answered.
Send them tolaura@anusarayoga.com.
Starting with the 2nd issue, we will add the Q&A section to the magazine and will respond to your questions that way.
“Anusara Marga” is designed to help you, wherever you are on the Anusara yoga path, to continue to open to your infinite possibilities and provide you with a renewed knowledge of your own inner wisdom.
I am so happy to be in touch with each one of you.
With Gratitude,
Laura Casini
Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher
Member, Board of Directors
Magazine Editor
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