Europe/Middle East

Welcome to the Anusara Europe and Middle East Regional page!

Anusara School of Hatha Yoga; Anusara YogaEurope comprises of a wonderful mixture of cultures, cuisines, landscapes, climates, languages and lifestyles. Europe is “one”, and it is the “many”. Our vision is to embrace the diversity of rainbow colors in our community, while remembering that we are all expressing from the same core of Tantric philosophy, Hatha yoga methodology and desire to support each other on our path in yoga through community.

Anusara yoga has grown rapidly in Europe over the past few years thanks to many dedicated teachers, local and visiting. We are excited to begin the next stage of maturity for Anusara Yoga in Europe where we now have many locally based Certified, Anusara-Inspired™ and Anusara-Elements™ level teachers, teaching and growing community in many different languages.

Our School is structured to be run for the community by the community. Please get involved and offer your expertise, enthusiasm, love of yoga and special talents to the evolution of the Anusara yoga.

For more information on how you can contribute, contact your Country Coordinator. Your contribution will help us grow as a community and allow us to maintain quality of education and teaching that Europeans have come to expect of Anusara yoga.

Contact a Country Coordinator

Contact your Country Coordinator for questions about Anusara in your country. If you do not see your country listed or if you would like to volunteer as Country Coordinator, please email

Click the country to visit the country website (where applicable).

Austria Letizzia Wastavino
Belgium Daniela Jaron
France Marie-Hélène Delacroix
Germany Julia Schlenkert
Italy Grazzia Orlando
and Alessandra Di Prampero
Netherlands Leah Kline
Saudi Arabia
(Middle East Representative)
Kelly Grace
Scandinavian Countries Ulrik Notlev
Spain Stella Jerez
Switzerland Elina Muller Meyer
UK and Ireland Sarah Powell and
Isabel Ferreira

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For workshops, gatherings and events, check out the
Heart of Anusara Events Series:

Heart of Anusara Event Series

Europe: Like us on Facebook!

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