Get Involved!
The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga is a dynamic and vibrant teacher-led organization.
The School relies on support from our teaching community as well as students and friends of Anusara yoga.
There are many ways YOU can support the School, the organizational “fascia” for Anusara yoga worldwide. Feel inspired? If you’re interested in helping or connecting in any way, email
Volunteer to serve on a committee/team
- Fundraising Committee
- Communications Committee
- Policy Committee
- Community Resiliency Team (which upholds the School’s commitment to compassionate communication)
Write articles / blog posts
- The Anusara Sadhana, the School’s monthly Professional Development newsletter
- Website (any relevant topic of interest to you)
Help plan events in your region or country:
- Samavesha
- Online offerings: Samudra Shakti, Kula Bhrajana, COM[UNIDAD], Anusara Live, Online Trainings
- Continuing education projects
- Mentor: Assist newer teachers as they move towards Inspired or Certified status
- Share your special skills: If you have a passion for a particular aspect of teaching, apply for Subject Matter Specialist. Go here for more information.
- Find a sponsor: Ask a business to be a sponsor of Anusara Yoga. The clothing you wear while teaching, the mat and props you use, your photographer, your website host, etc.
Designate the School as a beneficiary through programs like:
- Facebook postings (i.e. birthday, special occasions and other programs
- Offer ideas we haven’t thought of yet!
- Donate: Your financial donations are appreciated and needed. There are opportunities throughout the year to contribute. Additionally, the School is able to accept monthly donations.