Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE – Presenter Application

Thank you for applying!


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Thank you for your interest in Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE. We are grateful that you are interested in sharing your gifts as a volunteer for our free continuing education program.

Each month, the seat of the teacher moves to those who take up their own authority. Our intention for  Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE is that participants will:

  • Learn something new
  • Connect more fully to our community
  • Anchor in the foundation of our practice
  • Expand more fully into greatness
  • Find support and/or inspiration 

Our volunteer planning team is interested in a diverse selection of topics from a variety of voices and in your own language.  The only requirement is that what you offer connects to Anusara. Your free and volunteer continuing education topic could be anything from philosophy to methodology, or even an asana practice.

For Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE, our work is all volunteer. Therefore, presenters will not be paid.

If you are interested in volunteering your talents, please fill out the application below.


After successfully submitting  your application, you will receive an email response.

Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge with our Kula.

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