A message from John Seelye, President, Board of Directors

Introducing Hands to Hearts:

Dear  Licensed Teachers

We will all remember the COVID years — the effect on ourselves, friends and family; the changes it created in our daily lives; and – for some – the challenge of staying in a field of work we loved – teaching Anusara yoga.

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga remembers those days as well. At the time, the School, like most of you, took proactive action to handle the challenges of continuing to operate, but with reduced funding. Like you, we felt the reduction in the number and activity of member/clients, (licensed teacher departures or delays, fewer events, fewer in-person teacher trainings, etc). At the same time, the School also adjusted licensure fees to lighten the financial load on you, if needed. 

In 2023, we envisioned a future – changed, but nevertheless somewhat normal. That vision was a bit over-optimistic as the world, like many of you – our friends and family – are still struggling to build or innovate a steady path to getting your teaching careers back up. 

All is not back to normal – yet, and we stand at the precipice of 2024.

In reducing the School’s budget for the last months of 2023 and for 2024, the School took a hard choice and reduced our Operations staffing and other adjustments (i.e. longer response times from operations), for which we hope we can count on your patience.

At the same time we, the Board and Operations together, have refined our focus, our energies to wholeheartedly support two firm initiatives:  Education and Training/Licensure. Below is an example:

  • Training/Licensure – Going forward, of course, we will continue to support Teacher Trainings and Licensed Teacher Members, and do more to streamline the procedures involved while still holding to our high standards.
  • Education – We are also forming ways to bring teachers and teachings to you with streaming courses, classes, specialty trainings and hopefully an on-demand library of courses and classes (eventually in multiple languages).  We think it’s time we become not only a service for our teachers and licensing, but a platform for our teachers’ creative offerings and to attract a greater awareness to the exquisite beauty of our philosophy, our methods, our community, our teachers, our Anusara.

What we receive from you for license and training fees shows your strong support for Anusara and yet, at this stage in our recovery, not enough to give firm support to the degree one would hope for, especially for our Education initiative.

With every offer in service of “Hands to Hearts” a video class created by Tiffany Wood, ECAT will be sent to you as our thanks for your continued and loving support.

Look in your heart for the reasons you worked to craft your Anusara Yoga Practice and Teaching. Mine were many – smart, aligned, community, welcoming, challenging, graceful, mind-blowing, powerful (to name a few).

What were yours? And, what would you do to continue to call yourself an Anusara Teacher? What would you like to see for Anusara?

Thank you for considering and acting upon this request,

To make your donation and receive your complimentary class w/ Tiffany, please click here. 

With Great Respect,

John Seelye

US Teachers: Your tax-deductible donations will go toward our 501 (c) non-profit organization to keep Anusara Hatha School of Yoga in good standing for future initiatives for all.

All Teachers:  All countries have different rules about contributions to not-for-profit organizations in another country.  Please check with your accountant or tax advisor for your options.

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