I am fascinated by the human marvel, a devoted student of life and always eager to learn and grow.
2014 – now TheraYogaPark
Therapy and Yoga
Founded my own Centre for Therapy and Yoga. Seeing patients daily, teaching yoga group classes three times a week, 2-5 private classes a week. Teaching Anatomy in several Yoga Teacher Trainings (200h and 300h) in Austria and Germany.
2007 – 2014 Physiotherapist and Yogateacher
Praxis “Knotenlöser”
Working as a self-employed Physio, sharing facilities with a colleague, in Rum, Austria. From 2013 on teaching yoga classes once a week.
2007 – 2001 Physiotherapist
Sanatorium Kettenbrücke
Working as a full time Physio and assistant head of Physiotherapy in West Austria’s biggest private hospital. Specializing on post-surgery (orthopedic and traumatic) treatment and manual therapy.
2001 – 1998 Physiotherapist
PKA, Private Krankenanstalt Innsbruck
Working as a full time Physio in an outpatient clinic with 25 employees in Innsbruck, Austria. Starting additional studies in manual therapy.
1998 – 1995 Akademie für Physiotherapie, AZW Innsbruck
Degree with honors
Thesis: “Treating Coxarthrosis with Tuina Anmo
(Traditional Chinese Massage Therapy)”
1995 – 1994 Medicine studies
(cadaver lab) for 2 Semester at University of Innsbruck
1994 – 1993 Volunteer social year
Working in a home for old people in Innsbruck, Austria
1985 – 1993 Reithmanngymnasium, Innsbruck
Final exam with honors
Further Training
2021 Yoga Medicine 500h TT
Hip Module (55h)
Functional Anatomy Seminars
Certified FRC® Mobility Specialist
2020 Anusara Elements Teacher
Berlin, Germany
Yoga Medicine 500h TT
Shoulder module (55h) MFR (55h)
2017 Diploma Medical Yoga (300h TT)
Salzburg, Austria
Spiraldynamik® Diploma Level Intermediate
Salzburg, Austria
2014 Diploma Hatha Yoga (200h TT)
Salzburg, Austria
2001 Diploma Manual Therapy (280h)
Berlin, Germany