Anusara Online – Classes (Application)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sharing special online offerings to help us maintain our practices and stay connected to our global community.

We welcome submissions from licensed teachers for live or recorded classes that are available on your own channels. All free recorded and live classes must be under 45 minutes so we do not undermine teachers and studios that rely on paid classes to remain financially viable.

If you would like to offer a live class that is over 45 minutes for free, please make your class donation-based, and you can choose to whom/what you would like donations to go.

Asana, meditation, pranayama, philosophy, or blog posts are welcome.

Please fill out this form if you would like for your classes to be included on our new website page, “Anusara Online – Classes.” Asana, meditation, pranayama, philosophy, and blog posts are all welcome. Please submit an image for your offering to Will Doran at

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