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Tiffany Wood

Tiffany Wood

“Yoga is looking within and loving what’s there.”

The path of yoga began in 1996 for Tiffany and has opened her to the gifts of tenacity, surrender, and reverence for life. She is passionate about helping people dive into the power of radical self-acceptance. A Certified Anusara© yoga teacher, she holds space for learning to be playful and connected to the source of wisdom that flows. Teaching an integrated approach to living life with skill, she combines Universal Principles of Alignment, Tantra, applied anatomy, yoga therapy, mythology, mantra and meditation to the art of transformation.  Tiffany draws upon experience from owning a small business, extensive training as a body worker, life coach, and shamanic healing arts.  She has the unique ability to cultivate community by inspiring students to look within and love what’s there. Tiffany serves  ASHY as director of Community Relations, a certification assessor, and a proud Certified Advanced Teacher Trainer!

Upcoming Advanced training module:  Philosophy with Bill Mahoney  (November 10-12, 2017 in Park City, UT)

CONTACT Tiffany:



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