Certified Curriculum Packet

Certified Curriculum Packet DOWNLOAD pdf

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents … 1
Introduction & Intention … 2
Application & Process Overview … 3
Certification Requirements … 6
Central Teaching Elements … 7
Certification Process Checklist … 8
Video Requirements … 9
Continuing Education … 10


Introduction & Intention

Dear Anusara-Inspired Yoga Teacher,

Thank you for your interest in Anusara yoga teacher certification. With love, respect and honor, Anusara teachers are dedicated to serving and helping each student build their self-esteem, unveil their innate goodness, worthiness, and Supreme nature. Another emphasis for Anusara yoga teachers is evoking lightheartedness, playfulness, fun, celebration and joyful creativity in the student’s yoga practice. Students are also encouraged to be independent in their thinking and to resist mindless conformity.

The Anusara yoga certification program is among the most professional and demanding in the industry of yoga teaching. All Certified Anusara yoga teachers complete several years of study, including hundreds of classroom hours with other Certified Anusara yoga teachers. They all go through multiple teacher training courses and have taught professionally for at least 4 years, before formally entering the Certification Process.

To apply for Certification you must meet the minimum requirements listed on the application form and be currently licensed as an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher.  All the forms and steps you need to get started are highlighted in this document and available in the Teacher’s Lounge (under Resources > Anusara-Inspired).

The Anusara yoga Certification Process is overall designed to be an educational process and one that will refine your skills as a teacher,  build self-esteem and remind you why you began practicing Anusara yoga in the first place. There may be challenging moments, but when both the written exam and class video(s) assessments are complete, you will feel very satisfied to be finally able to license as a Certified Anusara yoga teacher.

The Certification process begins with the application, continues with a written exam and class planning and assessment, and ends with final licensing.

We invite you to join in and help build the vision of Anusara yoga together!


Certification Application & Process Overview

The Application Process:

Here you will submit your application, application payment, credit hours log and a Universal Class Assessment Form (UCAF) completed by your mentor.  As an Anusara-Inspired teacher you are expected to study and practice the elements in the UCAF for at least 2 years as well as complete your 500-hours of formal Anusara teacher training. It is recommended that you work with a mentor, during this time. When you feel ready to enter the certification process please consult with your mentor, have them review and approve your classroom teaching using the UCAF. Once your mentor sees that you have met the passing requirements of the UCAF (for certification) you can submit your application along with the above mentioned documents.

The Written Exam:

Once the above has been submitted and approved, you will proceed to scheduling and writing your exam. Once you begin your exam, you will have 10 days to complete writing your exam. Please select days where you can give your undivided attention to the exam. The exam is composed of short and long answer questions, covering all topics that you have learned thus far in your journey as an Anusara student/teacher.Once your exam is complete, you will be assigned a Certification assessor who will review your exam. The assessor will provide you feedback and may request that you correct, redo or expand on certain sections of the exam.

Class Planning:

Once your exam is complete you will be required to begin planning your classes that later you will record and have assessed. In the class planning phase, you will write down the class sequence and elements of your class that you would like to teach and record. You can find examples of class planning forms in the Teacher’s Lounge. You will send your class plan to your assigned assessor and they will review it with you and provide feedback on any missing elements that you may need to also include to satisfy the requirements of the Certification Process. As part of your class planning, it might be helpful to review and familiarize yourself once again with the topics in chapters 13 – 14 in the Teacher Training manual. Once complete your assessor will give you the green light to proceed to recording your classes.

Class Assessment(s):

In the class assessment portion of the Certification Process, you will now be expected to put your class plan into action and demonstrate, as best as you can, your ability to weave the Anusara teaching elements into a class. What you practiced and developed on your own and with your mentor in the last years of Anusara study and teaching will now be more closely assessed in an effort to provide you with an outsider’s view and feedback of your teaching. It can be challenging for some to include ALL these elements into 1 class presentation, therefore each candidate will have up to 3 videos to complete the class assessment portion. The class plan that you previously worked on usually helps to organize the teaching process. It is normal to feel rehearsed or scripted,  the point is not to deliver a regular class but to deliver the best possible class you can with all the skills you have in your Anusara teaching toolbox. That will require some planning and some patience as you unpack that within your classes and over the 3 videos that you may be required to complete.

For more specific tips on how to film your class, please see our Teaching Tips & Tools page. (available in the Teachers’ Lounge Resources)



It is not always easy watching ourselves teach. But it is part of the process and a valuable one as we get to experience first hand our strengths and weaknesses. After recording your class, review your video and fill out the UCAF based on your observation of your teaching. If you are satisfied with your video, submit it along with your UCAF to your assessor. Please include timestamps in your UCAF to indicate where the assessor can find the different elements you yourself could see in your video. This will help the process and help guide your assessor in providing you feedback that is relevant to what you yourself already see in your teaching.


After each video submission your assigned assessor will take up to 3-4 weeks to review your video and they will fill our their own UCAF. Once they have completed that process, they will set up a phone or video call with you to go over their observations, feedback and recommended next steps.  It is the assessors job to provide an outsiders review and feedback of your teaching to help refine your teaching. They will provide feedback and it is common for certification candidates to be required to submit a second and third video for assessment. In other cases, assessors may assign short homework assignments or assign that you complete a shorter video assignment (eg: a video of you doing the class intro including an element that could use refinement).

Although it is not always easy to receive feedback it is suggested that you receive it openly. Approach it like any other Anusara yoga practice and see the good first, in yourself and in the feedback you are receiving. Ultimately if you are in the Certification Process it is because you know how to teach Anusara yoga, the process is in place to help you play the edge of your abilities.

The Certification Process is one of the last times that Anusara teachers get to receive constructive feedback about their teaching. The assessors are there as experienced peers not as judges. All assessors have gone through the Certification Process themselves and therefore know what it is like to be on the other side of the assessment process. Be patient with yourself, take your time to digest the feedback, ask questions, and then, if you feel stuck please go back to your mentor to help guide you in integrating the refinements.

What’s the difference between a “Mentor” and an “Assessor”?

The mentor’s role is to help coach you in the development, proper application and refinement of your Anusara teaching skills. The assessor on the other hand is there as a representative of the School, to help you refine your skills and ensure that your teaching can be strongly identified as certified quality “Anusara yoga” – a standard that is held by all Certified Anusara yoga teachers.



Once you have completed the class assessment portion, your assessor will approve you for licensing and you will be required to sign your new license agreement and submit your new annual license fee.

The process of certification is, in many ways, more important than actually receiving a certificate. Earning an Anusara yoga certificate honors and acknowledges that the teacher has done a great deal of study and practice in the art of teaching yoga. The certificate is not a contract that forces the teacher to follow any dogma or to limit the teacher’s creativity and individuality. On the contrary, the certificate is similar to a diploma that the teacher earns by completing all the certification requirements of Anusara yoga, it is a testament to a teacher’s in-depth understanding of the method and ability to skillfully teach the Anusara method.

Certified Anusara teachers are encouraged to continue developing their craft to creatively unfold their individual potential. Certified Anusara teachers agree to: abide by Anusara yoga’s ethical guidelines and Intellectual Property policy, as well as continue regular Anusara yoga study and practice.

Certified Anusara teachers who wish to become Anusara teacher trainers can apply for teacher trainer status after one (1) year of being Certified and meeting the minimum prerequisites stipulated on the Teacher Trainer application form.

Certified Anusara teachers who later retire, suspend or resign from their license can still advertise that they once trained in Anusara or that they once “were Anusara yoga certified teachers”. They are not however permitted to promote themselves as a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher without holding a valid license with the School.


Certification Application Requirements

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga is an internationally recognized Hatha yoga school that offers a professional yoga teacher certification for teachers who meet the following prerequisites:

Minimum Requirements for applying for certification – Please ensure that you have met the minimum prerequisites before submitting your certification application.

  1. Currently licensed as an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher – License fees paid and agreement signed and current. 
  2. Minimum of 4 years of yoga teaching experience (including 2 years as an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher): Minimum of 1.5 hours per week for 40 weeks within each year = total of 60 hours teaching per year and 120 hours teaching in the 2 years. 
  3. Credit Hour Log showing a minimum of 500 Anusara training hours:
    • Completion of 200-hour Immersion/Teacher Training + Completion of 300-hour Anusara Teacher Training (144-hours of required modules and 156 elective hours)
      300-hour Anusara Teacher Training (including 36-hour Anusara Bridge Program, when applicable) PLUS an additional 200 hours of Anusara workshop/retreat training hours, for teachers who have already completed a 200-hour teacher training in another style of yoga. 
    • Exception for teachers who are unable to complete the 300-hour Anusara Teacher Training program: Teachers who have 700 hours of Anusara training including the 200-hours of the basic Anusara Immersion & Teacher Training may also apply for certification provided they meet all other requirements. 
  4. Class evaluation by mentor (certified Anusara teacher of applicant’s choice) that meets the requirements of the Universal Class Assessment Form indicated for Certified teachers. 

Other requirements: 

  • Minimum of 4 years of teaching hatha yoga: Minimum of 1.5 hours per week for 40 weeks within each year = total of 60 hours teaching per year and 120 hours teaching in the 2 years.
  • Minimum of 4 years practicing and studying hatha yoga, including:
    • Minimum of 1.5 hours of public per week for 40 weeks per year = total of 240 classroom hours over 4 years.
    • Minimum of 1 hour/day – 4 days/week for 52 weeks/year = 832 hours of home asana practice over 4 years.
  • Minimum 2 years of practicing and studying Anusara yoga. These two years can be included in the 4 years of hatha yoga practice listed above.
  • Minimum of 2 years practicing sitting meditation. Minimum of 15 minutes/day, 6 days/week = 156 practice hours of meditation practice over 2 years.
  • 300-hour Teacher Training REQUIRED MODULES – Taught by Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT), inc. the following modules: 
      • Teaching with the UPA’s (minimum 12-hours)
      • Teaching with a Theme (minimum 12-hours)
      • Observation and Adjustment (minimum 12-hours)
      • Sequencing (minimum 12-hours)
      • Methodology and Co-Mentoring (minimum 12 contact hours and 12 non-contact hours)
  • 300-hour Teacher Training REQUIRED MODULES – Taught by ECAT or Licensed Subject Matter Specialist (SMS)
    • Philosophy (minimum 24 hours)
    • Anatomy ( minimum 24 hours)
    • Teaching Meditation (minimum 12 hours)
    • Teaching Pranayama (minimum 12 hours)
  • 300-hour Teacher Training ELECTIVE HOURS (Taught by ECAT, Certified Anusara Teacher (CAT), or Licensed SMS (36 hours maximum per SMS)
    • 156 Hours of Anusara Teacher Training Elective Modules, Anusara Teacher Continuing Education, Anusara Workshops, Women & Yoga, Yoga and Senors, and the Anusara Bridge Program are all examples of Elective Hours that may be included in the 300-Hour Anusara Yoga Teacher Training.
    • Public classes do NOT qualify as elective hours for the 300-Hour Anusara Yoga Teacher Training.

Teaching skills – Observed by a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher via a live class or video that includes an entire class from beginning to end. The class must be between 60 and 90 minutes in length. The video must capture clear audio and video, as well as the teacher and a majority of the students at all times. The video must depict a well-rounded class in which the applicant demonstrates the knowledge and skill of teaching Anusara yoga, including all of the central teaching elements.

Knowledge and understanding of Anusara Yoga – Tested by a take-home exam, subjects including but not limited to the following:

  • Yoga Asana
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Yoga History
  • Yoga Anatomy and Kinesiology
  • Universal Principles of Alignment
  • Pranayama & Meditation
  • Asana Sequencing
  • Anusara Methodology

Asana performance ─ The ability to perform most of the Level I Syllabus of poses with a yogic Attitude, good Alignment, and balanced Action. Asana performance will be observed and evaluated during classes and workshops by a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher.


Central Teaching Elements

Include the following central teaching elements in each class in order to avoid the most common teaching mistakes and hence dramatically improve the quality and effectiveness of your teaching. This list of teaching elements is simply a summary of some of the most important elements described in this section on the art and skill of teaching yoga.

1. Begin the class by having the students take their seats and turning inside to become mentally and spiritually centered. Without a brief period of centering and establishing intention in the beginning of class, the spiritual art of yoga can easily degrade into a mere physical work-out session.

2. The initial period of centering and invoking blessings should be reasonably brief in order to start warm-up exercises within the first 7 minutes of class. The warm-up poses should be performed dynamically – held briefly and repeated several times – so to help dissolve any sluggishness and inertia. Do not start the class too slowly, or give too much commentary or instruction in the beginning of class.

3. Set a heart-oriented theme for the class, and then periodically interweave it throughout the entire class, not just at the beginning or end of class.

4. Evoke the attitudinal theme in the students’ poses by using language, images, and anecdotes that are clearly contextualized, so that the postural instructions truly inspire and make sense to the students. The heart quality of one of the virtues will enhance your theme, i.e., cultivating courage or humility. This heart quality should be paired with one of the 5 principles like Muscular Energy, Open to Grace, or Inner Spiral. The theme and heart quality should repeat throughout the class and bring the students into their own hearts and the deeper purpose of yoga. The heart quality and theme are tools to connect students to their deep intention (sankalpa) to become more in tune with their essential nature.

5. Stick to one or two central attitudinal themes/heart qualities throughout the class. Do not confuse the students or dilute your presentation by mixing a variety of themes.

6. Look at the foundation of the pose! See if the students have set the foundation properly. Do not start instructing other parts of the pose until the foundation is properly set. It is a major error of teaching yoga to instruct postural details on a minor part of the pose while the foundation is grossly misaligned.

7. Relate your postural instructions to what you are observing with the students’ poses. Teach to what you are seeing. Do not fall into automatic pilot and rattle off standard postural instructions without looking for the common misalignments.

8. Walk around the classroom while teaching. Don’t spend much time teaching while performing the poses at the front of the class, since you cannot easily observe the students if you don’t walk around the classroom.

9. Be sure to help inexperienced, stiff or weak students achieve the rough form of the pose. Use both verbal and physical adjustments to help them move along with the rest of the class. These students must be given special attention. Do not neglect these students.

10. Keep demonstrations succinct and focused on just 2 or 3 specific postural actions. Do not teach a lot of general alignment points when demonstrating. Include heart theme/quality in the demo.

11. Link instructions. Also, remember to connect alignment instructions with the breath.

12. Allow for sufficient time to cool down and conclude the class properly with cooling poses, Savasana, and a blessing. Allow each class to connect you to your deepest longing to serve the highest for yourself and your students.

13. Remember to remain soft, open and enjoy yourself – ultimately that’s how you will do your best teaching.


Certification Process Checklist

❏ 1. Read this complete certification curriculum packet to be sure you meet the requirements for Certification

❏ 2. Download, complete the Credit Hours Log and collect all training certificates related to training hours: https://www.anusarayoga.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ASHY-Credit-Hour-Log.pdf

❏ 3. Download and familiarize yourself with the Universal Class Assessment Form:

❏ 4. Contact a Certified Anusara Teacher and request them to observe your class or a video of your class AND provide you with a copy of their evaluation (Must meet the UCAF requirements for Certified Anusara): https://www.anusarayoga.com/universal-class-assessment-form-ucaf-2/

❏ 5. Complete application form and upload all requested documents (or send them to ory@anusarayoga.com) https://www.anusarayoga.com/certification-application/

❏ 6. Pay the Application Fee – when you complete the Anusara Certification Application you will be redirected to Mind Body Online (MBO).

❏ 7. Once your application is verified and approved: Schedule your Certification Exam with the Anusara Licensing Specialist, Ory Brown (ory@anusarayoga.com). The exam takes most applicants between 30 and 40 hours to complete and you have 10 days to complete the exam from the time you receive it. Schedule appropriately.

❏ 8. Complete the exam and submit it to Ory Brown (ory@anusarayoga.com). Within two weeks of submitting your exam, your Anusara Certification Assessor (ASA) will contact you to schedule a review of the exam. The review typically takes 60-90 minutes. Some follow-up work may be required after the review. [The Anusara Certification Assessor is selected by the Anusara Director of Professional Development. The ASA will review your exam first and your video later. The ASA will be a Certified Anusara Teacher in a different part of the world. The intention is that the ASA does not have a prior relationship with the applicant.]

❏ 9. Create a class plan, submit a Class Planning Form to your Assessor, and have a conversation with your Assessor regarding the class plan. Class planning forms can be found here: https://www.anusarayoga.com/class-planning-forms/

❏ 10. Once your Anusara Certification Assessor approves your Class Plan then record a video of your class AND complete the Universal Class Assessment Form (UCAF). Make sure that the video reflects the central teaching elements of an Anusara class that clearly demonstrates the Central Teaching Elements of an Anusara Class, outlined in the Certification Video Self-Assessment Form. Submit the video and the form to your assessor. The UCAF can be found here: https://www.anusarayoga.com/universal-class-assessment-form-ucaf-2/

❏ 11. Repeat the video submission process as necessary. Remember, this is a learning process and one of the last times you will receive specific feedback on your knowledge and teaching skills. Rewriting part of the exam and/or re-shooting part or all of the class video is not uncommon. This is all part of the process. Relax, breathe, and enjoy.

❏ 12. After final approval by your Assessor, Ory will send you a link to pay the annual Certified license fee.


Video Requirements

Each certification video must capture an entire class from beginning to end, with a duration of between 60 and 90 minutes. Both audio and video must be clear and easy to review. The camera position must capture the teacher and a majority of the students at all times and must clearly show adjustments and demonstrations. Video with a stationary camera is highly recommended and preferred.

The video must depict a well-rounded class that clearly demonstrates the knowledge and skill of the teacher. The class should be a regular public class with a wide variety of postures and students of varying skill levels, from basic to advanced. A minimum of 6 students is required.

All of the Central Teaching Elements of an Anusara yoga class must be presented and demonstrated by the teacher in the class. Please refer to the Central Teaching Elements in this packet AND please review and be familiar with the Universal Class Assessment Form (UCAF), as you will be required to submit the form along with your video.

Please record your class on phone, camera, or other video recording device and upload the video to one of the following platforms:

Google Drive

You may keep these video private/unlisted and share them with the Assessor.

Recording an Online Class:
Due to the surge of online offerings during the pandemic period, many teachers have chosen to record an online class as their certification video. If you choose to record your online class, in addition to the abvoe mentioned video requirements (p.9), please note the following requirements for online recordings: 

  •  Record with gallery view on
  • If schedules allow, it is recommended that your assessor attend the class to watch it live. 
  • Although hands-on adjustments cannot be made and will not be considered. You will be assessessed on your ability to meet all other requirements in the UCAF.


Continuing Education

Anusara Elements Teachers
Suggested Annual Education

  • 10 hours of continuing education
    • 5 contact hours in workshop/training with a current Inspired or Certified teacher or approved philosophy scholar.
    • 5 non-contact hours : Approved online learning, participation in ASHY online-community learning opportunities (e.g. book discussions).
  • Elements teachers with 2 years teaching experience are strongly encouraged to apply for Inspired status. Those who wish to remain AET beyond 2 years may be required to have a Class Evaluation.

Anusara-Inspired, Certified Anusara Yoga Teachers & ECAT
Suggested Biennial Education (every 2 years)

  • 20 hours over two years.
    • 10 contact hours in workshop/training with a currently licensed Certified Anusara yoga teacher or Anusara-Inspired yoga
    • 10 non-contact Approved online learning, participation in ASHY online-community learning opportunities (e.g. book discussions) or study with a teacher outside Anusara yoga that holds an ERYT-500 or equivalent certification.
  • Peer class review by an Anusara-Inspired Yoga Teacher or a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher using the UCAF.



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