Licensing Levels

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga offers 4 levels of licensing. Each builds upon the previous as the teacher gains experience and expertise.

Anusara Elements™ | Anusara-Inspired™| Certified Anusara®  | Experienced Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher

Anusara Elements Teacher (AET)

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga is proud to offer the Anusara Elements yoga teacher license to recent 200-hour Anusara Teacher Training graduates.

Anusara School of Hatha Yoga hearts; Anusara Yoga; Yoga schools; yoga teacher training

Requirements to become an Anusara Elements teacher:

  • Completion of 100 hours of a registered Anusara Immersion*
  • Completion of 100 hours of a registered Anusara Teacher Training* within the last 2 years
  • Recommendation from the Teacher Training instructor

*An Anusara registered training is a training which has been registered with the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga and taught by a licensed Certified Anusara teacher (CAT),

Application Process—4 easy steps !

  1. Submit the Elements application. After submitting the application, you will be redirected to a payment site.
  2. Pay the application fee
  3. Email a copy of your Immersion and Teacher Training certificates to Ory Brown, Professional Development Specialist, at
  4. Ask your teacher to submit a recommendation.

 Once your application has been approved :

  1. You will receive an approval by email
  2. Follow the link provided in that email to sign your Elements license and pay the annual license fee (license fee renews each January)
  3. You will then receive a Letter of Congratulations, and your name will be added to the Anusara Elements Teacher online directory !

We hope that at the end of 2 years of teaching, you will be ready to apply for the Anusara Inspired license !

Anusara-Inspired Teacher (AIT)

Anusara School of Hatha Yoga; Anusara Yoga; Yoga schools; yoga teacher trainingAnusara-Inspired yoga teachers are given legal license to promote themselves in this way by committing to regular study and practice of Anusara yoga and by aligning with our Anusara yoga ethical guidelines.

Licensed Anusara-Inspired yoga teachers have studied Anusara yoga for at least two years, have at least two years of teaching experience, and a minimum of 200 hours of Anusara yoga studies, including at least 100 hours of Anusara yoga Immersion studies and 100 hours of Anusara yoga Teacher Training.

Please feel free to further explore our Anusara-Inspired yoga protocol.  All the information that is needed to prepare for this status of teaching is included in the downloadable packet in this link:

Ready to become an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher?

Begin your process here!

Certified Anusara Teacher

Anusara School of Hatha Yoga; Anusara Yoga; Yoga schools; yoga teacher trainingThank you for your interest in becoming a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher. The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga is dedicated to supporting Anusara yoga teachers in cultivating and maintaining a high standard of excellence. An Anusara yoga teacher’s main intention is to serve and assist students of all ages and levels. Anusara teachers serve their students by helping them discover their innate goodness, worthiness, and Divine nature.  Anusara yoga teachers are known for their light-hearted approach; this approach evokes a playfulness, creativity and an environment that nurtures a sense of community.

Prior to applying to become an Anusara Certified teacher, the applicant must:

  • Have completed a 200-Hour Anusara Teacher Training or the Anusara Bridge Program
  • Have completed a 300-Hour Anusara Teacher Training
  • Have taught yoga for at least four (4) years
  • Be currently licensed as an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher with at least 2 years experienced at this license level.
  • And meet the requirements outlined in the Certification Curriculum Packet (available to licensed teachers in the Teacher’s Lounge).

The Certification process includes:

  1. Application (including payment of application fee)
  2. Written exam
  3. Class video and mentoring

Anusara yoga Certification is designed to be a wonderful process of education and esteem-building that includes mentoring and support.

Once all requirements of the Certification process have been fulfilled, the following must also occur:

  1. Agreement to the Terms and Conditions of a Certified Anusara yoga teacher’s license
  2. Payment of annual licensing dues

With the completion of these last two items, the candidate has earned the legal right to the title of Certified Anusara yoga teacher. A beautiful Anusara yoga teaching certificate will be mailed to the teacher, and he or she we will be listed in Anusara’s online Teachers’ Directory as a Certified Anusara yoga teacher.

If a teacher loses or decides to terminate their Certified licensed status with Anusara, the teacher may still advertise that they were “once Anusara yoga Certified.” However, the teacher is not permitted to promote themselves as a Certified Anusara yoga teacher if their Anusara license is not active.

Interested in applying to become a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher?

Begin your certification process here!

Questions? Contact Licensing Specialist Ory Brown at

Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT)

The title of Experienced Anusara Certified Teacher is a professional title that certifies you to teach all or part of a 300-Hour Anusara Teacher Training. This is a great “next step” in the path of teaching excellence and we encourage you to consider applying.

ECAT’s will have access to:

  • The 300-Hour Anusara Teacher Training curriculum and Student materials
  • The ECAT Slack channel with other ECAT’s for  conversation, and collaboration.
  • Support and website presence on the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga website.
  • Uploading by our School staff of your 300-Hour Anusara Teacher Training events to our School’s website

An Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT) will be able to offer their students:

  • An excellent pathway to greater skill and art in teaching Anusara
  • A deep, broad and well-designed curriculum
  • A pathway to Yoga Alliance 500 registration
  • Preparation for Anusara certification.
  • Be qualified to teach ALL of the curriculum for 300 hour Teacher Training.

To be an Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher truly designates you as a Master Teacher.

Please visit the Teachers Lounge>Resources>ECAT Application to review the prerequisites and fill out the application.

For more information, contact the School’s Director of Professional Development & Licensing: Jeannine Plaiche 

Subject Matter Specialists (SMS)

If you have a subject that you are especially qualified to teach but you do not qualify as an Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT) please get in touch with us and we will send you an application.

Below are a few examples of subject areas for which we hope to receive applications:

  • Philosophy
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Ayurveda
  • Sanskrit
  • The Business of Yoga
  • Yoga for Triathletes
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga and Meditation for Children and Teens

Apply as a SMS or learn more about our SMS program
Have questions about the SMS program contact our School’s Curriculum Committee –

Questions? Contact Licensing Specialist Ory Brown at

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